The Arts

Painting by local artist Rafael Salas
Treasures … dot the countryside and small towns in the nature laden Green Lake area – and the treasure is about Art. Whether one is viewing the large building mural in Ripon created by artist Rafael Francisco Salas or peering at the delightful sculptures created by renowned Lester Schwartz, Eugene Kain or Ralph Wiekstrom… throughout communities, the eyes will have a feast of delight. Even an authentic totem pole created by our ancestors can be spotted.

Painting by Gail Franke
Nationally noted artists such as bird painter, Tom Schultz (Green Lake), glass blower Wes Hunting (Princeton) and Mick Myland (Ripon) call this area home and happily share their art with others. Extraordinary woodworkers design and create one of kind pieces from the multitude of wood varieties. Galleries and shops are filled with original, one of kind pieces.
One might even be lucky enough to happen upon an art fair, artist lecture or workshop. Art seems to gather Art and on September 13 and 14th, the respected oil painter from Tennessee, Frank Baggett, is holding a 2 day workshop teaching techniques, colors and mood creation to take the striving art students to another level.
Culture … Oh Yes – music festivals, theater performances, lectures and workshops and so much more! Come visit the Green Lake Country area and indulge in the arts as we do.
Courtesy of Margaret York, owner of Arts of Daycholah – Green Lake